Contents of a first aid kit
Accident reporting
Vital signs
A systematic approach to managing first aid incidents - ABCDE
Casualty Monitoring and casualty protection
Airway Management
Recovery Positions
Breathing Problems - cardiac arrest CPR inc AED use, drowning/child CPR,
Heart attack, Angina, and other medical emergencies
Choking (adult and child)
Circulation Problems and treatment for shock
Crush Injury and catastrophic blood loss if appropriate to the group
Damage – treatment of injuries to the: chest, abdomen, pelvis, leg & arm, including remote improvised techniques
Soft tissue injuries
Head and spinal injuries, and helmet removal techniques and spinal management
Environmental Considerations – hypothermia, hyperthermia and cold injuries
Environmental Illness : Weils disease, Lyme disease, Tick-borne Encephalitis, Animal bites and stings
Awareness of current regulations
Making emergency calls in different outdoor situations
Outdoor Incident Scenarios