our courses:

  • Are accredited by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB): https://faib.co.uk/

  • Are fully certified, accreditor-standardised and Ofsted-approved.

  • Include refresher engagement opportunities throughout your three year currency to maintain competency, including Zoom community meet ups for candidates.

  • Can be adapted to almost any specific training or workplace requirement.

All available courses are listed below. If you require a unique emphasis for your place of work or personal requirements, we can adapt a course to your needs. Please contact us in this case.
All planned courses can be browsed from the drop down menu above. Please contact us if none of these meet your requirements. 

Helping you to understand the different courses available:

The First Aid Industry gets a little confusing, with a myriad of courses available. There is a rule to help decode this!
As an example, the standardised, 'full' course for workplace First Aid is 'First Aid at Work'. Similarly, 'Paediatric First Aid' and 'Outdoor First Aid' are 'full' courses in these areas. Shorter courses have the word 'Emergency' added before them, meaning that the course focuses on the essential, emergency components, as compared to the longer course. Hence, 'First Aid at Work' is an 18 hour course, whereas 'Emergency First Aid at Work' is a 7 hour course.
Some work places require workers to have passed the 'full' course, whereas others require only the condensed course. You can decide which course suits your needs better, or call us for a discussion about this.

First Aid at Work Courses:

  • Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) (7 hours)
  • First Aid at Work (FAW) (18 hours)
  • First Aid at Work Requalification (FAWR) (12 hours)
  • First Aid Annual Refresher (3 hours)

Outdoor First Aid Courses:

  • Outdoor First Aid (OFA) (16 hours)
  • Emergency Outdoor First Aid (EOFA)  (8 hours)
  • First Aid at Work + Forestry (FAW+F) (19 hours)
  • Emergency First Aid at Work + Forestry (EFAW+F)  (7 hours)
  • Forest School First Aid (16 hours)

Paediatric First Aid Courses:

  • Paediatric First Aid (PFA) (12 hours)
  • Emergency Paediatric First Aid (EPFA) (7 hours)

First Aid in Schools:

  • First Aid in Schools (6 hours)
  • Parents and Child Carers First Aid (2 hours)

CPR and AED Courses:

  • Basic Life Support + AED (BLS+AED) (3 hours)

Other Combination Courses:

  • First Aid at Work + Paediatric First Aid (FAW+PFA) (22 hours)
  • Emergency First Aid at Work + Paediatric First Aid (EFAW+PFA) (12 hours)
  • First Aid at Work Refresher + Paediatric First Aid (FAWR+PFA) (16 hours)
  • First Aid at Work + Emergency Paediatric First Aid (FAW+EPFA) (18 hours)

Why train with the first aid Lab?

Expert Instructors

All our instructors are trained professionals who have worked in front-line emergency medical services, giving our training methods a unique perspective to training those from a non-professional background. This exceeds standard requirements for first aid training providers and gives us a unique understanding of the common pitfalls for bystander first-aiders. The emphasis and insight we can provide into frequently occurring situations is therefore adapted to our experience and our knowledge of the next steps in the patient journey. 

Hands-on Training

We know through a varied training experience that the most effective way to teach medicine is through in person training, with hands on practice. The same outcomes simply can not be achieved through online training, in the absence of practical scenarios. And these are also so much more fun! Happy learners make successful learners and we passionately believe in our methods.

Community Focused

The First Aid Lab is committed to ongoing learning. Whilst certified course currency may last for three years, we also understand the extent to which skill fade sets in during this time. We therefore focus on providing time, resources, content and opportunities throughout this currency period to create a community of learners who can stay up to speed in real terms, should an emergency be encountered, with the hope that we can make a real difference on the ground.

Be Prepared for all scenarios

Join The First Aid Lab in Scotland for hands-on training in life-saving skills. Book online, call us at +447720809977 or email info@firstaidlab.co.uk to book your training today.